Web Developer;
UI/UX Designer

Building ideas for the web

I'm Luis, an experienced UX/UI designer and skilled web developer, committed to bringing your ideas to life. With my expertise, I offer exceptional web design services, specializing in creating functional and visually appealing web applications based on your designs.

Additionally, I have a knack for implementing CSS systems that seamlessly align with your brand, ensuring a cohesive and professional look. If you're looking for reliable and prompt results, let's team up today to design user-friendly layouts that will breathe life into your web apps!

Based in Dominican Republic


Color Picker

Color palette helper, click on any color to copy it's hex value

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Truth or Dare

Simple Truth or Dare game made with Svelte+Typescript

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MIN Design System

Still a work in progress, but it's basically the heart of my front-ends

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El Buho Eatery

For Dominicans and tourists looking to enjoy local and international cuisine, cocktails and coffees prepared by baristas.

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Find the best deals and discounts from your favorite beauty and cosmetic brands.

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Expocibao Virtual 2020

Made for Camara de Comercio de Santiago

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Open Week Virtual 2021

Made for PUCMM

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Escuela de Medicina

Made for PUCMM

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Escuela de Ingenieria

Made for PUCMM

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Covid 19

Made for PUCMM

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Liderazgo Integral

Made for PUCMM

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Auto Evaluacion Quinquenal

Made for PUCMM

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Seminario de Humanidades

Made for PUCMM

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Work in progress

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Work in progress

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Adobe splash screen

Made for fun

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Made for fun

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Made for fun

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First Template Prototype

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